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热门关键词: 精萘 精萘厂家 甲酸








来源:http://www.jnjdbc.cn/ 日期:2021-05-05 发布人:admin
Formic acid is a colorless liquid, dangerous goods, and flammable liquid. It is very acidic and corrosive. It has corrosive effect on human body. In addition, formic acid is combustible. What kind of properties does it have? Now let's take a look.
Formic acid, also known as formic acid, is a colorless liquid. Formic acid is transported as dangerous goods, but in actual operation, some customers think formic acid is flammable liquid, some think it is corrosive. The main reason for the above questions is the performance of formic acid. First of all, formic acid belongs to acidic substance, which is very acidic and corrosive, and has corrosive harm to human body. In addition, formic acid is also flammable, and formic acid vapor will burn and explode when exposed to high temperature, which is similar to most flammable liquids. This raises the question of whether formic acid is flammable or corrosive in dangerous goods? According to the national dangerous goods catalogue, formic acid belongs to the eighth category of corrosive goods. Therefore, in the transportation and storage should be in accordance with the requirements of corrosive operation, but also pay attention to prevent combustion.
Through the above introduction, do you have a certain understanding of formic acid? Formic acid is listed in the eighth category of corrosive products in the national dangerous goods list. Transportation and storage should be carried out according to the requirements of corrosive products. Also pay attention to prevent burning.
Thank you for your reading. I hope the above contents are helpful to you. This article is provided by refined naphthalene manufacturers. If you want to know more about chemical industry, please click our official website: http://www.jnjdbc.cn .

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