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热门关键词: 精萘 精萘厂家 甲酸








来源:http://www.jnjdbc.cn/ 日期:2021-06-29 发布人:admin
In recent years, the coal tar and deep processing industry chain has been on the rise. Since the beginning of this month, the coal tar and coal tar pitch market has been strong, and other products are also showing signs of rising. However, the industrial naphthalene Market is always so independent. Under the premise that many products are actively pushing up with raw materials, the industrial naphthalene Market has shown a weak decline situation.
From the perspective of raw material market, in recent years, high temperature coal tar has gradually evolved from an active push at the beginning into a forced pull. The current situation that the supply of coal tar is less than the demand has always been difficult to alleviate, and the high price will naturally become a strong driving force to support its rise. However, with the frequent exploration of aluminum price, the rising of coal tar market has brought the belief that coal tar has to rise. At the same time, the deep processing enterprises have also got rid of the long-term loss situation. The battle for raw materials is inevitable, and the market has become a foregone conclusion.
Although the price of industrial naphthalene was not high at this time, the resistance of terminal naphthalene phthalic anhydride product sales increased, and the pressure on industrial naphthalene spread. In the early stage, the price of related product octanol rose sharply due to the centralized maintenance of domestic units, and the plasticizer phthalic anhydride market followed up accordingly. However, after the price overrun, the end-user reception has been inadequate, and the recent rapid decline in prices is also a concentrated reflection of the market. Phthalic anhydride is a passive buyer of industrial naphthalene under the premise of blocked product sales. In addition, according to the start-up of naphthalene phthalic anhydride enterprises, Xingtai Xuyang's 60000 ton plant was temporarily shut down within a week, Tangshan Xuyang's 30000 ton plant was still shut down on the 20th after the previous overhaul, a production line in Qing'an was overhauled, and Zhongtai Xincai's phthalic anhydride plant was about to shut down in the next ten days to replace the catalyst. Therefore, from the perspective of demand, the actual consumption of industrial naphthalene was expected to narrow.
In terms of the price of industrial naphthalene, the breakthrough point of market decline still appears in Shanxi market. Terminal phthalic anhydride and dye intermediates are passively purchasing industrial naphthalene on the premise that their products are unsalable. Meanwhile, naphthalene superplasticizer manufacturers continue to operate at a low level, and raw materials are mostly received to maintain just demand. However, the frequent rise of coal tar has brought great cost pressure to deep-processing enterprises, so the manufacturers are willing to support the market of industrial naphthalene. Although the industrial naphthalene is weakening steadily, the decline is limited.
Thank you for reading, hope the above content can help you, if you want to know more wonderful content, please click our official website: naphthalene factory http://www.jnjdbc.cn .

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