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热门关键词: 精萘 精萘厂家 甲酸








来源:http://www.jnjdbc.cn/ 日期:2023-05-06 发布人:admin
Potassium citrate is a salt compound of citric acid and potassium, also known as baking powder or fermentation powder, which is commonly used in food processing to increase the bulkiness and acidity, and is usually used in bread, cake, biscuits and other products. So how does potassium citrate reduce salt and increase urine pH? The following refined naphthalene manufacturers will analyze for you:
Potassium citrate is more suitable for reducing salt and increasing urine pH than oral lemon water.
Potassium citrate is a chemical substance, which is hydrochloric acid composed of citric acid and potassium ions. It can be used as a drug to treat some diseases, such as kidney stones, urinary tract infections, hypertension, etc. The effect of potassium citrate in reducing salt is achieved by increasing the pH value of urine. When the pH value of urine increases, the solubility of salt decreases, thereby reducing the risk of kidney stones and urinary tract infections.
Potassium citrate can also increase the pH value of urine, effectively preventing urinary tract infections. In contrast, although oral lemon water can also increase urine pH, its effect is not as significant as potassium citrate, and the concentration of citric acid in oral lemon water is very low, which may require a large intake to achieve the expected effect.
Oral lemon water is prone to decomposition and dilution in acidic environments in the mouth and stomach, further reducing its effectiveness. Therefore, potassium citrate is more suitable for reducing salt and increasing urine pH than oral lemon water, but it needs to be used under the guidance of a doctor.
When using potassium citrate, attention should be paid to the following points: the dosage of potassium citrate should be in accordance with standard regulations, and excessive use may affect the taste and quality of food. Potassium citrate should not be stored in damp or damp environments to avoid affecting its quality. Potassium citrate is not resistant to high temperatures and should be avoided from heating and contact with high-temperature items to avoid affecting its quality.
Potassium citrate is a safe and harmless food additive, but its waste also needs to be treated according to environmental requirements. For more related content, come to our website http://www.jnjdbc.cn Consult!

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