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热门关键词: 精萘 精萘厂家 甲酸








来源:http://www.jnjdbc.cn/ 日期:2020-04-27 发布人:admin
  The function of industrial oxalic acid is much, use range is wide, it is a few advantage, often can undertake processing according to different demand, for example polishing, what does its polishing method have? Mechanical polishing: the polishing method of the smooth surface is obtained by removing the convex part of the polished surface by the plastic deformation of the cutting data.
  Chemical polishing: let the industrial oxalic acid in the chemical medium appearance of the micro convex part of the concave part of the preferential dissolution. Electropolishing: lubricate the surface by selectively dissolving small protrusions of material. Ultrasonic polishing: the workpiece is placed in the suspension of industrial oxalic acid and placed in the ultrasonic field together, and the surface of the workpiece is ground and polished depending on the vibration effect.
  Fluid polishing: is the intention of using abrasive grains to scrub the surface of the workpiece to reach the industrial oxalic acid polishing. Magnetic abrasive polishing: magnetic abrasive polishing is the use of the magnetic field in the effect of the formation of a brush, abrasive piece on the workpiece grinding processing. According to the corresponding way to the industrial oxalic acid for polishing, to reach the industrial requirements, polishing out of the product will be more clustered new, can bring greater economic benefits for manufacturers.
  To avoid water absorption differentiation. Industrial oxalic acid should be waxed. Put oxalic acid in dryer, block water and it, so that it can not attack the echo. Put industrial oxalic acid in the grinding bottle, the grinding bottle stopper should be original. Lay a double layer of asphalt paper on oxalic acid to keep out the air. Avoid industrial oxalic acid to become damp, after using it immediately sealed the bottle, let its sealing degree is outstanding, storage, not good other chemicals, especially reagents mixed, 

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