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热门关键词: 精萘 精萘厂家 甲酸








来源:http://www.jnjdbc.cn/ 日期:2021-02-15 发布人:admin
So far, we all know that glucose can be used to supplement energy for the human body, but also can supplement essential nutrients for the human body, and its taste is sweet and delicious, so many people like to drink it as a supplement. But can it be drunk often? Detailed analysis is as follows.
1. Many parents in order to enhance the nutrition of children, every time they drink milk, they will add some glucose to it. In fact, it's not good for children's health to take a lot of glucose for a long time. Because glucose is a kind of medicine, it is often made into solution dosage form for injection, which is used to help those patients who cannot eat normally to supplement sugar. It contains almost the same ingredients as ordinary sugar, except that the former is the decomposed monosaccharide, but they have the same effect on human body.
2. Some parents think that glucose can be absorbed directly in the intestine, which is more beneficial to health. Therefore, it is a mistake to let children take oral glucose for a long time and not eat white sugar or granulated sugar at all. Long term use of glucose will make the child's stomach produce dependence, so that the normal digestive function decline. Although the long-term direct absorption of glucose by human small intestine will reduce the burden of intestinal tract, the function of amylase and other digestive enzymes secreted by intestinal tract will be degraded. For a long time, it will cause the secretion function of intestinal amylase is low, affect the digestion and absorption of food, and prone to malnutrition.
3. Some parents think that drinking glucose can treat jaundice, it needs to be said that neonatal jaundice is generally divided into physiological jaundice and pathological jaundice. Physiological jaundice is a normal physiological phenomenon. Due to the metabolic characteristics of neonatal bilirubin, about three fifths of full-term infants and more than four fifths of premature infants can have jaundice 3-5 days after birth, but the general condition is good. Jaundice subsides in 14 days for full-term infants, and it can be delayed to 3-4 weeks for premature infants.
To sum up, glucose can not be often drunk, and not to mention any food supplements can not be too frequently eaten, it is still a drug, but the common sense of seven poisons, most people still have, therefore, from the attribute, it can not be often drunk, I hope you can understand, for the sake of their own health, the follow-up must reasonably control its food Use frequency. For more chemical information, please click our naphthalene manufacturers http://www.jnjdbc.cn Website.

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