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热门关键词: 精萘 精萘厂家 甲酸








来源:http://www.jnjdbc.cn/ 日期:2021-01-28 发布人:admin
As we all know, glucose is divided into many types, which can be used not only in the food industry, but also in industry and medical treatment, so its application in sewage treatment is not unexpected. However, many users do not understand the specific application in sewage treatment, so the specific application is introduced next.
1. It can further improve the affinity of stains and sludge, which is more obvious than urea, and the efficiency will be doubled. If there is no COD and BOD in the operation system of sewage operation to provide environment for bacteria growth, it is necessary to find another way to add these glucose powder, so as to slow down the aging speed of sludge in wastewater and reduce its biological activity.
2. It plays an important role in stabilizing the water quality of glucose. If the test is carried out on different water sources, a small amount of glucose can be used to obtain a more appropriate dosage. Generally, the production process of enterprises will match the ratio of solid to clean water at 1:5, complete the dissolution process first, and then add water for dilution.
3. When the enterprises begin to carry out sewage purification, it is necessary to properly add the whole sugar powder for treatment, especially during the commissioning period, it is necessary to add an appropriate amount of glucose powder to provide carbon source, so as to better cultivate bacteria, which can smoothly improve the biochemical characteristics of sewage industrial wastewater.
To sum up, the role of glucose in wastewater treatment is mainly reflected in improving sludge affinity, stabilizing water quality and cultivating bacteria. This substance not only plays a high-quality role in the treatment of industrial wastewater, but also helps in the purification of domestic water. We hope that we can use it reasonably.

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