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工业萘:苯酐上行势头不减 萘能否成功跟涨?

来源:http://www.jnjdbc.cn/ 日期:2020-12-31 发布人:admin
Recently, the upward trend of phthalic anhydride has not decreased. Since it began to rise, the naphthalene process has increased by 1400 yuan / ton. However, although the closely related industrial naphthalene has stopped falling, it still has no improvement. However, the bullish sentiment of the traders on the floor is growing with the rise of phthalic anhydride, and some of them are pushing up the sentiment. Whether naphthalene can successfully follow the rise is analyzed by Juda Bangcheng as follows.
The trend of industrial naphthalene and downstream naphthalene phthalic anhydride is different. Naphthalene phthalic anhydride continues to rise. With the end of "winter inspection", the supply side of industrial naphthalene is relaxed, and the price remains low. The price difference between the two is as high as 2500 yuan / ton. At the same time, the profit side of naphthalene phthalic anhydride industry is greatly released. At present, the theoretical profit is more than 1000 yuan / ton, and the ability to accept naphthalene is increasing, but the demand has not changed significantly After the recent restart of Shanxi nobo and Xingtai Xuyang units, the demand for naphthalene may be followed up. On the demand side, it is good for naphthalene as a whole.
From the supply and raw material side, this week, Jining black cat and Ningxia Baofeng restarted, and local naphthalene supply increased. In addition, Shanxi three strong and Shanxi Lubao enterprises are still under maintenance, and the overall naphthalene supply is fair. From the perspective of raw materials, although there is little correlation between industrial naphthalene and coal tar in recent two years, the continuous increase of raw materials will inevitably lead to the increase of enterprise costs, which will push up naphthalene. Recently, due to its low supply and fair downstream demand, tar continued to strengthen, and the price was generally around 2700-2850 yuan / ton. The loss of deep processing enterprises intensified, and the willingness to push naphthalene up was strong.
Comprehensive analysis shows that the market supply of industrial naphthalene is acceptable and there is no profit. However, the main downstream phthalic anhydride maintained a strong operation, and the ability to accept naphthalene was further strengthened, which was good for naphthalene. In addition, for the sake of cost, the manufacturers are very optimistic about naphthalene storage. Comprehensive analysis shows that the short-term industrial naphthalene Market is likely to rise.
The wonderful content of this article comes from: Jinglin http://www.jnjdbc.cn If you want to know more about chemical industry, please consult our website.

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