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热门关键词: 精萘 精萘厂家 甲酸








来源:http://www.jnjdbc.cn/ 日期:2022-05-05 发布人:admin
1、 Different definitions
(1)焦亚硫酸钠为白色或黄色结晶粉末或小结晶,带有强烈的SO2气味,比重 1.4,溶于水,水溶液呈酸性,与强酸接触则放出SO2而生成相应的盐类, 久置空气中,则氧化成Na2S2O6,故该产品不能久存。高于150摄氏度,即*解出SO2。
(1) Sodium pyrosulfite is a white or yellow crystalline powder or small crystal, with a strong smell of SO2, with a specific gravity of 1.4. It is soluble in water, and the aqueous solution is acidic. In contact with strong acid, SO2 will be released to generate corresponding salts. If it is placed in the air for a long time, it will be oxidized to na2s2o6, so the product cannot exist for a long time. Above 150 ℃, i.e. * SO2 is decomposed.
(2) Sodium sulfite, also known as anhydrous sodium sulfite, chemical formula Na2SO3, common sulfite, white, monoclinic crystal or powder. It can irritate eyes, skin and mucous membrane and pollute water sources.
受高热*解产生有毒的硫化物烟气。工业上主要用于制亚硫酸纤维素酯、硫代硫酸钠、化学药品、漂白织物等, 还用作还原剂、防腐剂、去氯剂等。
Toxic sulfide flue gas is produced by high thermal decomposition. In industry, it is mainly used to make cellulose sulfite, sodium thiosulfate, chemicals, bleached fabrics, etc. it is also used as reducing agent, preservative, dechlorinating agent, etc.
2、 Different colors and shapes
(1) Sodium pyrosulfite is white or yellow crystalline powder or small crystals.
(2) Sodium sulfite: common sulfite, white, monoclinic crystal or powder.
3、 Different functions
(1) The pharmaceutical industry is used to produce chloroform, phenylpropanesulfone and benzaldehyde. The rubber industry is used as a coagulant. Printing and dyeing industry is used as dechlorination agent for cotton bleaching and cotton scouring assistant. Leather industry is used for leather treatment, which can make leather soft and tough, with waterproof, folding resistance, wear resistance and other properties. Chemical industry is used to produce hydroxyvanillin, hydroxylamine hydrochloride, etc. Photosensitive industry is used as developer, etc.
(2) It is used for microanalysis and determination of tellurium and niobium and preparation of developing solution. It is also used as reducing agent; It is used as stabilizer for man-made fiber, fabric bleach, photographic developer, deoxidizer for dyeing and bleaching, reducing agent for perfume and dye, lignin remover for papermaking, etc; Used as common analytical reagent and resistance material.

推荐阅读/ Recommended reading

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